Millets Jatra
millets festival
The farmer focused organizations have come together with a quest to organize festivals to increase awareness bringing farmers, entrepreneurs, and consumers together.
Details description
Year 2023 has been designated as the Year of Millets, both in India and Internationally. Millets are climate change friendly crops for farmers able to tolerate abiotic stresses and yield in challenging environments and conditions. Millets have numerous nutritional and health benefits for consumers. While we have a history of both cultivation, crop diversity and consumption, it is still scattered and unorganised. Consumer demand hence becomes a primary driver, incentivizing farmers towards more millet cultivation.
International year of Millets
100g of Millets Contains
Project Staus
In Progress
Project Partners
Rotary Clubs of RI 3131
AgroZee Organics
Pad Corp
Project Location
Alpa Bachat Bhavan
Project Funding
Total Funding
₹ 10,00,000
Funding Source
Club Foundation
Rotary Clubs of RI 3131
Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs
International year of millet. Some Rotarians are Agriprenuers and having connect with farmers. Millets are indigenous, nutritious and the crop grown by our forefathers. Connect Rural to Urban. Upliftment of millet growing farmers and creating platform for them is the utmost need of time
Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends
Millet growing farmers will get platform to sell their produce. Community will be getting nutritious and healthy food. Improve millet production, decrease production cost and getting urban market which ultimately uplift the farmers, FOOs and Self help groups
Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward
Buyer seller meet calling is the purpose to create sustainable and permanent market for millet growers man’s authentic millet products will get to potential buyers. We also keep giving training to millet Entreprenuer’s and millet growers on continuous basis